Knowing regional and aggregated customer lifetime Net Promoter Score (NPS): Customer satisfaction is values helps sales and marketing teams set expectations key to a healthy referral channel, and NPS is a market- within the business and demonstrate the value of validated method of measuring just how likely customers their efforts. are to help you build brand equity. Net Revenue Retention (NRR): Knowing what Combined with the full-funnel visibility outlined in Step percentage of your revenue is being sourced from existing 1: Align, a comprehensive measurement plan provides customers is an excellent way to gauge just how valuable marketers with the information they need to set hard you are to your customers, and how effective your upsell targets and illustrate how their efforts will ultimately marketing efforts are in contributing to top-line growth. benefit revenue growth at large. There’s this idea that if you collect the data, all your results are magically going to skyrocket. It doesn’t work that way; making use of marketing data is a process and the metrics are crucial. If your metrics are questionable, the data won’t help much. All data has to be tested and iterated on. Measuring the right things has an immense impact on how your organization will iterate and evolve. Marc Johnson GM & CMO, Bombora “Measure what’s meaningful’ is the core mantra for data-driven marketers. But just because something can be measured doesn’t make it meaningful to a larger audience. Marketers must shift from the tendency to continuously showcase marketing ‘engine room’ metrics — clicks, conversions, CPL, MQLS, etc. — to focusing on the stronger ‘alignment room’ with sales. To drive the best sales- marketing alignment, we marketers must drive sales conversations only with revenue alignment metrics like opportunities generated, pipeline, win-rates, ASP, etc. that sales cares about. Chandar Pattabhiram CMO, Coupa Software 8

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