Action Items • Conduct a Measurement Audit Break down your marketing funnel into key stages across all active channels. Prioritize and rank the top three metrics that matter most to each stage of the buyer’s journey. If possible, delegate single-point accountability for each to a dedicated team member and empower them with the authority and resources necessary to affect positive change. • Prioritize Pipeline Chokepoints Conduct benchmark comparison exercises to analyze all stages of your sales/marketing pipeline and identify drop-off points where performance is dramatically off-target. Make sure problem areas get extra attention before it’s time to plan your next batch of campaigns. • Identify Leading Indicators Work with sales to analyze a recent subset of Closed Won deals with an eye for what top-of-funnel behaviors they had in common. Pay special attention to channel, content touch points, and time spent within each pipeline stage in the interest of developing a set of reliable leading indicators that marketers can use to steer their campaigns. 9

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