Step 2: Measure Awareness & Lead Generation Digital Marketing Funnel Conversion: How effectively are your digital marketing properties Identify Success converting raw traffic into qualified opportunities and, eventually, paying customers? Key conversion points Metrics and Implement typically include the transitions between qualification stages, all the way to becoming a sales opportunity. Measurement Plans New Qualified Accounts: Strictly measuring success through lead volume ignores whether or not marketing efforts are actually leading to growth Growth marketing’s power comes from for the business. By measuring qualified accounts, marketers can better prioritize their investments and its objectivity. positively impact downstream metrics like Close Rate. Tactics either produce the desired results or Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): How many qualified require iteration. Knowing the difference requires a opportunities are your paid promotional campaigns comprehensive approach to campaign measurement generating? If campaigns are underperforming, dig spanning both short- and long-term results, typically in further to understand whether the issue lies in organized into some permutation of the AARRR targeting, creative, or offer/call to action. framework that includes growth rate, market share, Consideration & Sales Enablement profit margin, and other key revenue metrics. Whatever your approach, metrics should be Lead and Account Scores: The more effective organized in ways that can be easily surfaced to marketing can be in helping salespeople prioritize stakeholders and serve as objective success criteria. their time, the better. Setting a BANT-based lead As mentioned earlier, the most heavily weighted scoring threshold and targeting buyer persona-centric of these should be revenue, but the road to B2B account engagement allows sales/marketing teams bookings can be long. to better understand their respective goals while improving overall performance. The best methods of measuring upstream performance will differ from business to business, Close Rate: Knowing the percentage of opportunities and marketers should take a pragmatic approach that convert into bookings is an essential high-level to their measurement plans. Shorter pipelines allow metric that can be used to align sales and marketing for faster iteration over a smaller number of metrics, teams of any region. Be sure to measure by market whereas longer ones will often require a greater segment and overall aggregated performance. number of more technically nuanced stages. Post-Conversion In both cases, marketers must track leading indicators capable of providing the tightest possible Customer Lifetime Value (LTV): Few metrics are feedback loop. more useful in justifying a marketing plan than a Here are several pipeline metrics that deserve a definitive understanding of just how valuable new place in any organization’s measurement plan: customers are to a business. 7

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