When we look at the results in the Cohort Movement table within the same report, the diagonal that starts at the top left (Target) and ends at the bottom right (Purchase), indicates accounts that have stayed in place during the analysis time frame. Accounts in the darker gray areas (top right) indicate accounts that have moved further down the funnel, while the lighter gray areas show accounts that have slipped back in their buying stage. From a high level, we can see that we have successfully progressed more accounts through the funnel than those accounts that slipped backward. Finally, the Activities by Source section of the report shows us the exact activities our accounts engaged with during the analysis time frame compared to the baseline. These activities are broken out by intent, reach, and engagement, and each line item can be expanded to show campaign details like campaign name, pipeline and revenue influenced, and the specific accounts reached. With this level of detail, marketing teams can better formulate and refine their strategy for continued buying stage progression. 6sense.com | (415) 212-9225

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