Ad campaign metrics In the ad space, time is money and agility is essential, as digital marketers often don’t have a lot of lead time to get new campaigns out the door. Some platforms offer only a managed service option to build, run, and provide results of your ad campaigns. In contrast, 6sense’s display ad capabilities are 100% self-service, and campaigns go live within 24 hours. Regardless of how advertising campaigns are launched, it’s critical to have account-based metrics to help measure the success of campaigns. Traditional advertising metrics focus on things like total impressions, cost per click (CPC), and click through rate (CTR). And while those are still relevant measures for digital marketers to monitor, they don’t paint the complete picture of campaigns as part of an account-based strategy. Digital marketers running campaigns as part of a broader ABX program need to understand how those campaigns are moving the needle in terms of account engagement, and this requires additional metrics like account view-through rate, accounts newly engaged, accounts with increased engagement, and pipeline influence. Additionally, it’s important to understand when campaigns need to be adjusted in flight in order to ensure they deliver the intended results. Say you want to know if your campaign is performing well or what you should consider tweaking; automated recommendations can tell you whether you’re outpacing your budget, if your budget won’t be spent because your segment specs are too specific, etc. Continuing with our self-service-first approach, 6sense’s campaign optimization capabilities enable marketers to help themselves further with more insight and autonomy. Revisiting the goal: moving to account-based metrics and increasing conversions We’ve gone over the importance of trading MQLs for qualified accounts and how methods and measurements like the 6QA and enhanced reporting capabilities can help get you on the path to measurable success. There are two things to keep in mind as you set your sights on an effective ABX surround strategy: • You know you want to increase conversions, cycle time, and ASPs to benchmark yourself and improve. In order to do that, you can’t physically work all leads and deals — nor should you. • With that in mind, it’s important to remember that your board ultimately cares about revenue, not potential revenue. Much like a participation trophy vs. a gold medal… there’s only one they give out at the Olympics. And your board is full of judges (that’s part of the job). | (415) 212-9225

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