Dark Funnel Examples We’ve covered a lot of ground in this document. We talked about how there’s a Dark Funnel “out there” but also one within your own revenue team data and process. (External versus internal Dark Funnel data.) We’ve also detailed the different categories of data hidden in the Dark Funnel, from behavioral data and psychographic data to company readiness signals. These tables offer a quick reference to see the kinds of data that exist in each part of the Dark Funnel and within each category: Behavior Readiness Psychographics External Relevant third-party Technographic insights Account psychographics, Dark Funnel publisher content Market intelligence signals such as sponsorships and Data consumption such as growth, funding, organiational priorities Researching competitors events, expansions, and eople psychographics, Visits to product review other changes such as personal attitudes websites and interests Internal Anonymous website traffic roduct usage data et romoter cores Dark Funnel re-M leads ales conversation content Account health scores Data 23

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