Your Anonymous Website Traffic Since anonymous website traffic has When you think about who might come historically been challenging to de-an- to your B2B website, it stands to reason onymize, most revenue teams ignore it. that it would be relatively rare for visitors This is why revenue teams rely so heavily to reach your site accidentally. And while on website forms to generate MQLs. some visitors may be competitors, or folks In fact, we lean on them so much, many who just have a professional interest, pros have convinced themselves that mostly many buying team members will also (or only) serious prospects fill out forms. be lurking in that anonymous traffic. But that’s not always true—and in fact, might When you’re able to trace most—or even be nowhere as common as we’ve been led to just some—of that 95% of anonymous traffic believe. (More on this in a few paragraphs.) back to its appropriate companies and buying teams, you can dramatically increase Depending exclusively on form fills is a your understanding of which accounts missed opportunity. B2B website form-fill represent near-term revenue opportunities. conversion rates represent only 2% to 5% of all website visits. But we know that there are far more legitimately interested buyers surfing your site than that anemic number. 15

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