These signals, transmitted from B2B buyers who conduct research into a cohesive picture. This picture can empower your revenue across thousands of websites and digital resources, are brimming team to navigate prospects through the sales funnel with with incredibly useful and actionable intent data. We know this absolute confidence. vital information exists… but because we can’t see it, we don’t fully Thankfully, world-class revenue technology platforms now exist that understand its significance. can illuminate the Dark Funnel and reveal this data. This never-be- This ignorance represents a missed opportunity. That’s because fore-seen sales intelligence can generate high-impact, actionable the Dark Funnel isn’t really the villain in this story. It’s an untapped answers to questions like these (and many more): source of hidden and powerful knowledge. It’s game-changing uncharted territory, and it’s worth exploring. • How many companies are in-market for what we offer? And much like assembling a multi-part pirate map that leads to • Where should you focus your marketing spend? buried treasure, the true power of the Dark Funnel lies in combining • Where should your sales and sales development teams invest those countless, disparate intent signals spread across the internet their energies? 4

6Sense Dark Funnel Flipbook - Page 4 6Sense Dark Funnel Flipbook Page 3 Page 5
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Duration 1:13
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Remaining Time 1:09
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