The Result Measurable Marketing-Sourced Growth Growth marketing is a skill like any other. It takes time to master, but the rewards are substantial. At every step, remember to revisit the three key questions that will keep your team moving in the right direction: 1. Destination: What is our marketing pipeline plan for achieving our revenue goals? 2. Progress: How are we tracking against that plan? 3. Direction: Which targets, programs, and activities will get us there? By focusing effort on building a team that employs sound growth marketing strategies in order to pursue a revenue-driven operational posture, CMOs can demonstrate their value to their CEOs and protect themselves from the problematic reality of being labeled a cost-center. Above all, remember that growth marketing is most powerful when it’s revenue-driven. Follow these four steps and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your company’s growth goals and earning the trust and appreciation of your fellow executives in the process. 15

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