The Challenge Through data analysis and experimentation, a fully realized revenue-driven growth marketing system allows CMOs to deliver value by answering three fundamental questions: Transitioning From 1. Destination: What is our marketing pipeline Cost Center to plan for achieving our revenue goals? Revenue-Driver 2. Progress: How are we tracking against that plan? 3. Direction: Which targets, programs, and Marketing is in the midst of a activities will get us there? dramatic paradigm shift. What was once a discipline rooted in instinct has There’s no shortage of technical solutions available, but become a sophisticated blend of art and science, no matter what your stack looks like, modern CMOs capable of drawing clear lines between tactics and must first embrace a truly growth-driven approach to profits. In fact, 83% of CEOs now expect their CMOs their jobs if they’re going to remain relevant. to be key revenue contributors. But that’s easier This ebook provides a list of actionable, easy-to-follow said than done, especially in the nuanced world of steps for implementing a growth marketing system B2B marketing. capable of affecting positive organizational change, Where consumer-oriented businesses deal with along with relevant, real-world insights from leading short funnels, large volumes, and clear conversion CMOs shaping the world of B2B growth marketing. points, B2B marketers must measure and optimize complicated buyers’ journeys that can last a year or Action Items more ... and involve multiple stakeholders and dozens of touch points. • Read this ebook and note the sections Many CMOs are finding that legacy strategies aren’t that are most beneficial to your up to the task and are consequently suffering ever- department’s unique needs. shortening tenures. • Convert action items like these The Solution: Revenue-Driven into team tasks within your project Growth Marketing management system. • Get in touch with the revenue Growth marketing is a scientific discipline that intelligence experts at 6sense to combines comprehensive measurement with an learn how we empower CMOs to iterative approach to tactical execution — and it’s predictably achieve their growth most effective when it’s driven by revenue. marketing goals. 3

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