So, how do you measure an account-based program? Now that we are focused on accounts, it’s time to revise your key metrics to include the following: • Total addressable market. The entire universe of opportunities available to you — every potential customer for your solution. • Ideal customer profile (ICP). A subset of your TAM, narrowed down to the companies that are perfect for your solution. These are prospects who are most like other customers that have purchased from you as predicted by 6sense’s account fit predictive model. It’s quite possible that you have more than one ICP based on different product offerings or location. • Accounts in-market. The number of companies (accounts) showing intent to buy based on their current behavior. In-market is a designation that signifies an account has moved from the Target buying stage to Awareness, Decision, Consideration, or Purchase as predicted by 6sense’s buying stage model. Like your ICP, in-market accounts are a subset of your total addressable market at any given time. • In-market ideal customer profile (IICP). The ideal customers for your solution who are also in-market. • Sales velocity. How quickly your business is able to make money — calculated by multiplying the following: ◆ Number of 6QAs. Total number of 6QAs (strong or moderate ICP fit accounts that have reached the Decision or Purchase buying stages as predicted by 6sense’s AI-powered models and intent data). 6QAs are the most likely accounts to become opportunities. ◆ Opportunity stage conversion. The textbook definition is the percentage of opportunities that move from one stage to the next. In practical terms, these are the most critical moments your team has to find the red (identify parts of the process that aren’t working so well) and improve the customer experience. ◆ Average selling price (ASP). The average price your product is sold for. ◆ Win rate. The percent of opportunities proposed or quoted that you have won, or the number of sales opportunities converted divided by the number of opportunities available. ◆ Deal velocity. The average number of days between opening an opportunity Bonus: These and closing the deal. are the metrics • Quotas. Based on the conversion rates for the metrics above it’s possible to define quotas for the number of 6QAs, meetings, opportunities, and revenue that matter to planned for each stage of the sales funnel in a given period of time: week, month, your board. or year. Depending on your specific go-to-market, you may need additional quotas defined related to your funnel. | (415) 212-9225

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