Working qualified accounts If you’re focused on ABX and a surround strategy and not simply employing ABM tactics, you’ll get more insights from your efforts and be able to act accordingly as you scale over time. Moving away from traditional methods of trial and error with MQLs and related metrics — often with more error than not — and toward predictive account-based strategies mean you’ll want to focus on the account- based funnel as well. The change management component of trading MQLs for qualified accounts With the adoption of the 6QA, BDRs don’t have to disqualify accounts as frequently — there are far fewer to disqualify from the start. Beginning with a pool of active, in-market accounts that are an ICP fit saves time and energy that would otherwise be spent sifting through MQLs for diamonds in the rough… and then learning to engage them at different, potentially unknown stages of their buying journey. But this transition doesn’t happen in one fell swoop. If you’re used to being compensated based on the leads you bring in, the shift to how many accounts have been 6QA’d and then converted can seem groundbreaking. In reality, this method simply enables BDRs and AEs to put their efforts into delivering great experiences with accounts that have already proven worthwhile. Not only does that mean never having to chase down a bad lead again, but it also means further solidifying the importance of conversion metrics in aligning sales and marketing and achieving buy-in from leadership. | (415) 212-9225

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