Buyer Behavioral Signals Dimension #1: Dimension #2: Dimension #3: Person and Account Fit Buyer Interest In a Solution (or Solution Category) Source of Behavioral Signals Ultimately, all behaviors of interest begin Some revenue technology platforms can identify the Buyer-behavior signals in the Dark Funnel with individuals. When a buyer’s identity actual solutions that a buyer might be researching. are largely collected and organized by is known, job title and level within the This intelligence can be helpful, especially if the specialized providers, which use data organization can be extremely valuable buyer is investigating a competitor or an influencer. science to acquire and aggregate data in assessing the importance of the But this lone datapoint might not be good enough from a wide variety of primary sources, behavior. And, when individuals identify to activate the kind of marketing and sales motions including: which organizations they represent, that that move an account through the sales funnel. • Industry solution providers too is hugely valuable in assessing the Instead, it’s usually necessary to know precisely • Publications importance of their behavior. what solutions buyers are demonstrating interest in. • Blogs However, in many cases, the precise Here, revenue technology platforms that use • Social networks identity of the individuals researching artificial intelligence become truly invaluable • And more solutions isn’t known. in illuminating and organizing Dark Funnel data. Not all sources carry an equal weight in But even when the individual is They can process the content from hundreds of relevance, and can vary in which part of a anonymous, their behavioral signals can thousands of digital properties across the internet buyer’s journey they serve best. still be extremely valuable if the behaviors and catalog the relevant topics or keywords For example, both syndicated content pub- can be associated with a relevant contained in each. lishers and product review sites provide buyer account. By identifying which organizations are researching behavioral signals from identifiable indi- which solutions, intent signals in the Dark Funnel viduals expressing interest in a category of allow you to focus your marketing and sales actions solution. But consumers of white papers on where they are most likely to be effective. syndicated content sites may be deemed to be earlier in their buying journeys than those who are comparing vendors on product review sites. 11

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