How Misaligned Outreach Can Threaten Deals Can a BDR or rep ruin a deal on their very first probably been anonymously researching their interaction with a prospect? Yep. And the Dark business problem—and even your specific Funnel is largely to blame. solution—for months. They’ve probably read the Let’s say a buyer fills out a form on your site. same early-stage information your team is now Your marketing team assumes this is the first breathlessly providing. engagement that the buyer’s company has made That’s not a good look. Your team is bombarding with your organization, and that the contact is in the contact with noise, not high-value informa- an early stage of the buyer’s journey. tion. Buyers can be so put-off by this rookie move Your marketers and reps then “follow the that they’ll kick any future correspondence right process” and pepper the prospect with lots of into the spam folder. early-stage interactions and educational content. But this isn’t the smooth move we’ve been led to think it is. Why? This prospect has 7

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